<aside> 💡 This page covers all of the current Triggers and Actions available in Notion’s Database Automations feature.

Automation Scope

Automations can be run for pages in the entire database.

Alternatively, you can specify that the Automation will only run for pages added to a specific View.

<aside> 💡 Note: You’ll see the same views that are visible in the current Database Block. If you have other Linked Views of the same database, those views won’t show here.


By selecting a specific view, you can use Filters on that view to control which types of new pages will trigger an automation.


Trigger: Page Added

This trigger is simple; if a page is added to the database, or to the Automation’s specified view, the Automation will trigger.

You can control which types of page creation events will trigger an Automation by limiting an Automation to a specific database view, then adding filters to that view to leverage forcing functions.


Trigger: Property Edited

For most property types, any edit to the property will cause the Automation to trigger.

The following properties have additional options beyond a simple “property is edited”:


Action: Add Page To…

This action type will let you one or more new pages in any database that you can edit.

For each new page, you can also set default values for its properties.

When working with a Relation property, you’ll have access to the very useful This Page value, which will reference the page that triggered the Automation.


Action: Send Slack Notification To…

This action type lets you sent a standardized notification to a channel or DM in your connected Slack account.


Action: Edit Property

This action type lets you edit another property of the page that triggered the Automation.

Below, you’ll find a list all all property types that can be edited in this way:


Property Type Capabilities
Name Set to a specific string.
Text Set to a specific string.
Number Set to a specific number.
Select Set to an existing value.
Multi-Select Set to one or more existing values.
Status Set to an existing value.
Date Set to Now, Today, or a specific date.
Person Set to one or more people.
Checkbox Set to Checked or Unchecked.
URL Set to a specific URL string.
Email Set to a specific email string.
Phone Set to a specific phone number string.
Relation Set to one or more pages, including the dynamic value This Page.

These properties cannot currently be edited with Automations:

<aside> 💡 Most of these property types are read-only, so they can’t be edited directly anyway.
