<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/a5a1e3ce-00fa-46e4-9a75-58c2aed9e8ce/Notion_Fundamentals_with_Thomas_Frank_-_Avatar_2021.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/a5a1e3ce-00fa-46e4-9a75-58c2aed9e8ce/Notion_Fundamentals_with_Thomas_Frank_-_Avatar_2021.png" width="40px" /> This page contains a collection of resources that can teach you everything you will ever need to know in order to become a full-time YouTuber.

Created by Thomas Frank | Creator’s Companion | Twitter


Included in this guide is a comprehensive gear list that can take you from absolute zero to having a studio, camera, and audio setup that looks and sounds as good as any pro YouTuber (for around $3,500 all-inclusive).

Also included is a list of my favorite digital tools for editing, finding stock footage and music, and more.

There’s also a large database of free videos and articles covering everything related to video production - camera basics, lighting, audio, set design, gear, editing, color grading, animation, and more.

Who am I?

<aside> ✅ The Best Way to Get Started on YouTube

…is to make a video today using whatever gear you have on hand.

You almost certainly have a 4K-capable camera in your pocket - it’s called your phone. And many people are running 7-figure channels just filming videos on their phone.

“Camera gear doesn't matter, just how you use it.” - Casey Neistat

Additionally, the only way you’ll get better as a YouTuber is by making lots of videos. This is a world-class collection of information; many of the resources here are the exact ones I’ve used along my own journey.

But to progress, you have to get your hands dirty and make videos. Godspeed!


The 1% Rule: Read This if You’re a Perfectionist

The Video Gear List

The following video gear list will allow you to build a video studio that looks and sounds 95% as good as what you can see in my videos, such as:



<aside> ✅ I’ve picked gear to optimize for high quality on a realistic budget. This is an entire professional YouTube studio for less than $4,000. Some of these picks (including camera, lens, and mic) are “budget” alternatives to what I personally use - however, in most cases they are capable of producing results that are just as good for web/YouTube video.

Want to make it even cheaper? Film with your phone and invest in lighting & set decoration first.


<aside> 🧠 If you’re curious, I film on a Canon C70 ($5,499) with a RF 28-70mm lens ($3,099), and use an Earthworks ICON Pro microphone for audio ($499).
