<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/5f290176-d74d-4847-824b-f173f3489a87/tfexplains-profile.jpg" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/5f290176-d74d-4847-824b-f173f3489a87/tfexplains-profile.jpg" width="40px" /> This page contains working examples for all supported anchors in Notion regular expressions. Duplicate this page to your workspace if you’re unable to view the formulas.
Regular Expressions in Notion Formulas
Created by Thomas Frank | Learn Notion Formulas | Notion Basics | Templates | Twitter
📚 References:
Unicode Numbers in Regular Expressions
📜 Table of Contents:
- start of linereplace("dogs dogs dogs", "^dogs", "cats")
// Output: cats dogs dogs
- end of linereplace("dogs dogs dogs", "dogs$", "cats")
// Output: dogs dogs cats
- word boundaryreplaceAll("martini art artist", "\\\\bart", "!!!")
// Output: martini !!! !!!ist
replaceAll("martini art artist", "\\\\bart\\\\b", "!!!")
// Output: martini !!! artist
- not on a word boundaryreplaceAll("martini art artist", "\\\\Bart", "!!!")
// Output: m!!!ini art artist