<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/133a7d2f-6b2c-46f5-ab79-974295320e60/Notion_Fundamentals_with_Thomas_Frank_-_Avatar_2021_compressed.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/133a7d2f-6b2c-46f5-ab79-974295320e60/Notion_Fundamentals_with_Thomas_Frank_-_Avatar_2021_compressed.png" width="40px" /> This template contains several example databases that you can use to experiment with Notion’s new Database Automations feature. Hit the Duplicate button in the top-right corner to copy this page into your own workspace. You can also learn more about this feature in the full blog post or at my Database Automations Reference.

Created by Thomas Frank | Free Notion Templates | Notion Tips Newsletter


“Date Completed” for Tasks

<aside> 💡 When the Status property in this Tasks database is set to Done, the Completed property’s value will be set to Now (a dynamic value).

The Completion Gap formula will then tell you how many days are between the planned Due date and the actual Competed date. This can help you get better at accurately estimating how long things will take – a task that most people are notoriously bad at.



Time Tracking

<aside> 💡 When the Status property is set to In Progress, the Started property is set to Now ****(a dynamic value). This is a view-specific automation; it won’t run on the database view above.

Conversely, the Completed automation in the view above is database-wide, so setting Status to Done will set Completed’s value to Now ****as well. Then, the Task Duration formula will show how long the task took.

Bonus: In this view, the Status property is rendered as a checkbox, and it’s also frozen. If you scroll horizontally, you’ll always be able to see it. By holding ⌥/Alt and clicking it, you can see all options.


Untitled Database

Send Notifications to Slack

<aside> 💡 When a new page is added, or when a page’s Status changes to In Progress or Done, a notification will be sent to Slack.

Note: This Automation will not transfer over to your workspace when this page is duplicated, but you can set it up yourself. I’ll also note that these Slack notification seem to take 2-3 minutes to show up.


Untitled Database

Content Projects and Tasks

<aside> 💡 This is an example of how you can use Automations to add default tasks to projects when they are created.

When a new page is added to the Content Projects database, multiple new pages in the Tasks database will be created. Each one will also be automatically related to the page that triggered the Automation!


Content Projects

Untitled Database

Editing Other Pages