🤗 Remember the regrets of the 100-year-olds. Work hard, stay focused, but quit at a reasonable time. Spend time with friends and family today, go outside, and don't skip your workout.
**Week Log | Calendar**
Week Starting: June 13, 2021
- [ ] Wake up at 6am
- [x] Read 30 minutes
- [x] Eat healthy breakfast
- [x] Bike at least 10 miles
- [x] Wake up at 6am
- [x] Read 30 minutes
- [x] Eat healthy breakfast
- [x] Bike at least 10 miles
- [ ] Wake up at 6am
- [ ] Read 30 minutes
- [ ] Eat healthy breakfast
- [ ] Bike at least 10 miles
Week Starting: June 6, 2021
Week Starting: May 30, 2021