<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/c8c91bc3-dec9-4f5a-b68a-084f73b60df6/Notion_Fundamentals_with_Thomas_Frank_-_Avatar_2021.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/c8c91bc3-dec9-4f5a-b68a-084f73b60df6/Notion_Fundamentals_with_Thomas_Frank_-_Avatar_2021.png" width="40px" /> Welcome to the resource dashboard for Notion Fundamentals! Lessons are currently being released. Below, you'll find a database containing pages for each lesson in the course. Within each, you'll find sample pages that you can duplicate into your own workspace and use to experiment.

🦙 Created by Thomas Frank | 🏠 Course Home Page | 🧠 Second Brain Template | 🔧 All My Templates | 🐤 Follow Me on Twitter


Reference Pages

Notion Markdown Reference

Notion Block Reference - All of Notion's Blocks

Notion Formula Examples

Notion API Examples

Database Automations Reference


Notion Fundamentals Lessons

Advanced Guides

Notion Formulas 2.0 Advanced Practice

Synced Blocks in Notion

Supported Regular Expression Characters in Notion Formulas

Embedding Charts in Notion

Notion Pokédex

Notion Automation Examples

© Thomas Frank